Difficulty : Easy


Prep time




Total time





Hello lovers of energizing frozen pleasures! Today I'm sharing my recipe for Chocolate Protein Ice Cream, an irresistible frozen creation made with Ninja Creami. Imagine a creamy texture, intense chocolate flavor and a powerful dose of protein for a frozen treat that satisfies both your taste buds and your nutritional needs.


  • 100 ml plain Greek yogurt (high in protein)
    150 ml unsweetened almond milk
    1 tablespoon chocolate protein powder
    2 tablespoons maple syrup or agave syrup
    2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
    2 shots of almond milk


  • In a bowl, combine Greek yogurt, almond milk, chocolate protein powder, maple syrup and cocoa powder.
  • Make sure the mixture is smooth and even, ensuring even distribution of protein and chocolate.
  • Transfer this mixture to the Ninja Creami container and let it sit in the freezer for 24 hours.
  • Use Ninja Creami's Ice cream Lite option for a creamy texture.
  • Mix with the Lite ice cream option. Once the cycle is complete, open the lid and add the milk. Mix again with the re-spin cycle.
  • Dive into this protein-packed chocolate ice cream, an explosion of chocolatey flavors and nutritious goodness.

    A little tip for perfect ice cream with your Ninja Creami: remember that protein powder tends to swell in the freezer.

    To avoid overflow, make sure you only fill your Ninja Creami container halfway before placing it in the freezer. You will thus obtain a smooth and deliciously creamy texture each time you taste it! Gourmet Tasting Suggestions:
    In a Frosted Cup: Serve in bowls, garnish with dark chocolate chips for a crunchy experience.
    In a Protein Smoothie Bowl: Add slivered almonds and chunks of banana for morning decadence.
    As a Protein Treat: Enjoy solo for a chocolate break, satisfying your cravings while meeting your protein needs.

    Discover this Ninja Creami Chocolate Protein Ice Cream, a frozen treat that combines pleasure and nutrition for a refreshing and delicious experience!CHOCOLATE PROTEIN ICE CREAM 🍫🍦💪✨


  • Since we all have different taste preferences, some prefer sweeter ice creams while others enjoy them less sweet. To ensure that your ice cream is to your liking, do not hesitate to taste your preparation before placing it in the freezer with your Ninja Creami. This way, you can adjust the ingredients to get the perfect flavor that matches your taste buds.
  • You can use this recipe with vanilla-flavored proteins and vary it into other flavors by adding bitter cocoa powder, red fruits, etc.